Isaiah 43:5

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:5

Thursday, March 26, 2015

First days of recovering at home.......

As I write this update post, it's been exactly one week since Lucy's "ex. fix. surgery"
Thank you friends for your on going prayers for Lucy Kim!  She continues on the road to recovery but now from the comfort of H-O-M-E!  After four days in the hospital (two of which were spent in pediatric intensive care) we were on our way home!  I had some concern about the one and a half hour ride home but needn't have been worried. We strategically planned to leave the hospital shortly after receiving her dose of valium for pain .  Little one slept the entire ride home.  Sleeping = no pain, no car sickness!
Lots of laying around = bed head and knotted hair

This is her cozy chair of choice
The reality of her recovery one week out from surgery is nothing short of aaahmazing.  Only God.  Today she  was given a narcotic twice and I expect that probably tomorrow we'll switch over to just Tylenol.  Four days ago we were told to rotate narcotics and administer every two hours!   Mommy also doses up with her vice:
Mommy's prescription pictured above
Lucy has figured out some satisfactory sleeping positions with that cage wrapped around her leg, only occasionally needing help with a pillow prop.
While in the intensive care unit, a nurse told me that in a few weeks she most likely will begin picking up her ex. fix by the top bar and swinging her leg where she wants it to be.  Welp, warrior girl was doing that about 5 days out of surgery!
In finding our new groove of caring for Lucy Kim, she's been very helpful.  We're learning to work as a team.
She picks up her ex. fix (by top bar) and "holds" her leg for me while I carry her.  Lucy girl takes care of the light switches and the toilet seat since I have both arms wrapped around her while transporting her.  Our toilet seat is getting new swirly designs inscribed on it,  thanks to the ex. fix. Pretty sure a plumber friend of mine will give me a good deal on a discounted new seat once we're rid of the ex. fix. :)

Sometimes their ex fixes clank together if they're too close!

I'm pretty sure this is one of her love languages!
(and yes, this was tough for big sissy to do - so it was an
act of love on her part too)

Relaxing with the B.F.F. and her bro.
It's obvious to me that Lucy's little body is battle worn,  These very early days at home, she's been content to just relax in her comfy chair and watch Thomas The Tank.   The few times she has tried to do a little something, she tires quickly and wants to be reclined back in her chair.  Not surprising at all this first week following surgery.  In fact, the reality of that is good, because extra rest/sleep has enabled her body to heal more quickly.   
However, I'm noticing that backing off the narcotic has lessened her sleeping time considerably.  We've also started seeing glimpses of frustration and anger.  Having been mobile (and even when in a cast she could ride her little car to get where she wanted to be) and now needing to depend on someone else is gonna be new territory (for all of us).
This new dance has us still on a learning curve.  When does she needs to have something N.O.W. and when does she need to W.A.I.T. (with as much patience a new five year old can muster).

On Friday, March 27th, we'll travel to Philadelphia to have Dr. vanB. remove the remaining iodine pads that have not already fallen off and will get instruction on beginning the "turning of the struts 4x/day".  This will begin the first of our weekly post op. trips to Philadelphia.  

Your continued prayers and words of encouragement are so appreciated on this long road of recovery.  We'll post updates so that you can "travel with us"!  Blessings to each of you and thanks for your support!

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