Isaiah 43:5

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:5

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Follow up post ......

Waiting to be called for our appointment!
Thank you friends and family for your love and prayers and for journeying down this new path with Lucy and us!  Your love, support and encouragement via your texts, facebook messages, emails, and phone calls mean so much to us.  You've been so kind in being a part of Team Lucy, I wanted to follow up on yesterday's post with an update.  We've now made the turn and have entered onto Freeway Fix a Foot!
Lucy Kim was once again such a great little patient!  There were no complaints and she seemed "ready to do this thing."  After taking us into the room to await the doctor, our nurse opened a cupboard door with several shelves lined with boxes and boxes of different cast colors to choose.  Not surprised the little Miss picked hot pink.  The nurse also handed Lucy a "shoe" that she could wear after the cast was put on.
Holding the hot pink casting material
(only to have it taken back minutes later)
However things changed when the doctor came in.  He decided that he thought it would be best to put her in a soft cast (meaning the pretty color wrap that makes a "soft" cast hard would not be put on) AND he does not want her bearing weight (which obviously includes any walking) during these castings.  So, the hot pink wrap was taken back and the shoe/boot was quickly swept away.  The good news about this is they will not need to use the "loud machine" to remove the casts each week.  Lucy is sensitive to loud noises, so alleviating this stressor each week will be nice.  The not so good news we're looking at 12ish weeks of not walking or bearing weight.
Pushing on the "talus"bone in her foot

Amazed at her compliance and smiles

Cast goes up high on her little thigh
Alrighty then -- we'll just need to think of creative ways for Lucy girl to get around - all the while not bearing any weight on that casted foot.  Remember the plasma car we got for Lucy before she even was home??  Ahhh.....while normally an outside riding toy, it's the perfect solution to getting around our first floor of the house! It requires no legs and has a zero turn radius.   The sound of wheels flying around our kitchen, dining room and living room were heard alllll morning.  She's happy to still have independence and Mommy's thrilled that her not so strong back won't have as much lifting throughout the day as originally thought.  Thanking God for this most unique answer to a prayer that had not yet been prayed.  Yep - you know I just gotta say it -
"He always provides where He guides" - the big and the little!
This riding toy can be rode without using any feet as it's
completely able to be rode by using hands only (or both
feet and hands)!

See how perfectly that little leg and foot fits on her wheels!
If you're praying for Lucy and our family, will you pray that these series of castings will be stretching the appropriate muscles that will prepare Lucy for a successful surgery.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors as this type of casting needs to be done with precision.  Wisdom for us as we will have many decisions to make regarding her on going medical care.  Thank our precious Father God for meeting needs before we knew they would be needs, for giving Lucy such peace and patience during her first appointment, for a fabulous first twenty four hours in a cast!

Again, THANK YOU for interceding to our Heavenly Father on behalf of a most precious little girl!

 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
I. Thes. 5:11

I hope to keep you updated throughout our medical journey.  Next month will mark Lucy's ONE YEAR  HOME!!!  Look for some super exciting news we have to share with you AND a picture post of her first year home!

I'll leave you with a few pictures from today......  
Still loves the bean bin!

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