Isaiah 43:5

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:5

Friday, September 27, 2013

*Xie Xie/ Thank You!

This post is wrapped in much love and gratitude to YOU my friends!  So many of you were "pieces to the puzzle" in helping Lucy Kim from orphan to beloved daughter, sister, granddaughter!  It could possibly be said that "it took a village", but I'd have to add that the most critical part of our village is it's leader!  He proved His faithfulness in so many kind and loving ways and through so many kind-hearted, gracious and loving people!  
Thanks so very much J.E.D. for all your love and help with the puzzle!
Friends, you have practiced "caring for an orphan" in some of the kindest and most practical ways!!  The gifts of love that were given on Lucy Kim's behalf  were so very precious to us- from graciously donating and bidding on everything from homemade cookies to Kellogg cereal bowls and even a full size washer at our fundraising auction, to purchasing dozens of cupcakes made with love by our dear daughter her friends, purchasing "puzzle pieces" in Lucy's picture puzzle, sending notes letting us know you're praying for her (and us!), sharing her story with other's, donations, monetary gifts given in loving memory of our very dear friend, Jason Milholin.

And for those of you who still think what you did wasn't much, let me remind you of the starfish story found here!!  You've made a difference for this one!

One less orphan....

One More Zimmerman!

* Xie Xie - pronounced phonetically in English= zhay zhay (thank you!)

 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  James 1:27

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