Isaiah 43:5

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:5

Monday, May 6, 2013

Learning More (part 1 of 2) Q&A blog

If you've seen "Lucy's Puzzle Page", you'll notice that she has a lot of loving friends that have supported her and her journey home to her family.  We thought that some of you friends, would like to know a little more about this very special little girl waiting for her family.  This is post one of two with "Question and Answers"....

Q:  When did Lucy become orphaned?
A:  Around 3 months old

Q:  What are Lucy's known "special needs" and what types of medical intervention are you predicting Lucy will need when she arrives home?
A:  Lucy seems to have one clubbed foot and a limb difference in her legs (one leg shorter then the other) and scoliosis.  Because we have limited medical  info., there are a lot of unknowns related to her disability.  We suspect she will need to have a fair amount of testing done so that the specialists will have better knowledge as to how to best help her.

Q:  Is Lucy able to walk?
A:  YES! - we have been blessed to receive short video clips and she can walk independently (albeit with a limp)

Q:  Does Lucy know she has a family yet?
A:  We don't think she knows yet (but will soon)

Q:  How are you planning to help prepare Lucy for this HUGE transition?
A:  We are planning on sending Lucy a photo book.  This book will introduce her to each member of her new family as well as her home.

Q:  Do you have any idea when you'll get to travel and bring Lucy Kim home?
A:  While we don't know for sure because at any given time paperwork (on the American side or Chinese end) could slow -- we're anticipating it could be in August??

Part 2 of the Q&A coming soon.........STAY TUNED!

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